American Legion, Department of Texas state oratorical contest
February 21, 2021

The winner of The American Legion, Department of Texas state oratorical contest is Jacob Groninga from the 1st division. Jacob was sponsored by post 655 (pictured in the first photo with the State Commander, Auxiliary President and Sons of the American Legion Commander).
Jake is the 12th District and Department of Texas High School Oratorical Winner (pictured in the second photo with the twelfth district Commander Joseph Campbell).
Jacob will receive a $2000 scholarship from department. Due to Covid, The American Legion national has canceled the national contest so each state champion will receive an additional $5000. Congratulations to all orators at all levels and we hope to see more participants next year. Also thank you to the 20th district for hosting the contest this year.
Due to the current weather conditions in Texas and for the safety of all attending, and after conferring with the Department and Local Oratorical Chairmen, Department Commander Perkins has moved the Department Oratorical Contest to the Alternate date of February 20-21, 2021 at the Menger Hotel.

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